My wife is a tap dancer. It goes beyond taking classes to learn various tap dances. Her favorite thing to do is to perform. She belongs to a group called ReCreation Tappers, a group of women in Southwest Florida who not only constantly practice tap dancing, but also perform in the area.
As I watch them do what they do and watch my wife perfect the numbers she’s working on, I noticed that it is not just about the steps in the dance, but it’s about what you do with your hands, how you express yourself and making it a look like you are having fun.
This is similar to doing a presentation. I can never understand why people do presentations and like to “wing it” instead of perfect it.
Like tap dancing, you should learn the steps(or perfect how you say what you will say) so that your audience will clearly understand what you are trying to do.
Also, if you don’t smile and look like you are having fun, your audience will struggle with what you’re saying. After all, they take their cues from you.
Finally, what are your hands doing? Have you practiced your gestures so that you are creating a great experience for your audience members?
When we do presentations we are trying to persuade people. Why not be like a tap dancer when you do it?
—Know every step perfectly
—Be ready to improvise if you must
—Smile so people can smile with you (instead of wondering why you don’t smile)
—Make sure your voice projects clearly, like the sound of a tap dancer’s tap
—Get ready to take a bow when they clap, having enjoyed your presentation.