March 13, 2017
Executive Coaching

Question: "I learned a lot from your blog on communication. Tell me more."Answer: As an Executive Coach, I always help my clients handle communication with efficiency and professionalism. ______________________________________________________________1. TEXT APPROPRIATELYSave texting for short or urgent messages that people need to know now. And if it's too much you have to tell them, text "just sent an e-mail to you.” This gives you time to keyboard a thoughtful e-mail.2. NO NEGATIVE STUFF IN AN E-MAILNever write anything negative in a text or an e-mail, since it could be shared with someone you don't want to see it. Also, this written information can become a legal document down the road.3. SAVE TIME WITH VOICE MAILSDon't be a person who hangs up the phone if the person is not there to receive your call. Leave a voice mail. That way you save them (and yourself) time. They can hear what you have to say in the way you wish to express it.

4. SAVE TIME FOR YOU AND THE OTHER PERSONStart and end voicemails with the phone number you want the person to call. Say it slowly to give time to write it down.5. JUST ONE SUBJECT!Keep your individual e-mails to one subject. Then it is easier to respond to and you will probably get a quicker answer.6. GIVE ME A BREAKIf you must address several topics, break each item up into a short paragraph. If there are more than three items, give each paragraph a number so that the recipient can more quickly direct you to the subject they want to discuss.7. SAY IT AND BE DONEIf you can, put your message in the subject line and then put "-end-". Now your recipient will know that’s the whole message.

8. THE ONE SCREEN RULECheck your e-mail regularly so that you only have one screen of information left to read or act on. This not only makes it more manageable, but it relieves the stress of wondering what's hiding in that in-box.9. CHEER ME UP!Information is doubling at a faster rate than at any other point in time. There is so much coming at us. Remember to put some positive language in whatever communication channel you are using. Saying "Greetings", "Cheers" or "Take care" makes a world of difference in how I receive your message (and I may even get back to you sooner).Cheers!

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