Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

February 26, 2018

Time flies whether you are having fun or not. But don’t you want to enjoy every second of your life—working productively so that you get home sooner to enjoy time with loved ones? In my book PerfectTIMING, I present ideas on how to be as productive as possible. That’s what makes the difference between a peak performer and an average individual.

Recently I was assembling workbooks for a team I was training at a large corporation in Naples. I noticed that there was an electronic board with the current time in front of me. It displayed not only the hours and the minutes, but also the seconds. Because it was a digital clock, you really noticed how the seconds flashed by in front of you.

Now this organization is one where performance is based on how timely its drivers are, so they need to see this display board at all times. What if you had this ginormous clock in front of you? Would that make you realize that every moment is essential.

I set a timer on my desk to signal when another hour has gone by. Every time I hear the beep for the hour I ask myself what I did with that past hour and what I will do with the next. Try this technique and see if you become more productive.


  • Are you a clock watcher (in a good way) so that you are aware of the time?
  • Do you constantly ask yourself “Is what I’m doing right now the perfect use of my time?
  • Should you get a timer or set your phone so that you can keep track of every hour?
  • Do you do certain regular activities at set times so that you know when you’ll be doing them?
  • Do you regularly ask yourself how you could be better at managing your time?
  • What comes to mind when you think of how you could handle your time better?

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